On 24th, Oct,Unifood and its strategic partnership– Longda Meat attended the Paris International Food Exhibition (SIAL). At the exhibition, Longda delegation docked with famous international food enterprises at zero distance to show Longda brand to the world and promote Longda Meat to the international high-end market.
此次参展,龙大肉食代表团与西班牙Costa Brava公司、肉制品企业Elpozo公司、阿根廷第三大牛肉屠宰企业ArreBeef等展商进行了技术交流和对话,签订订单6000余吨,并达成长期合作意愿。
During the exhibition, Longda delegation had technical exchanges and communication with Spanish enterprise Costa Brava and Elpozo, and Argentina’s third largest beef slaughter company ArreBeef. Longda ordered more than 6000 tons products and reached long-term cooperation intention with the companies.

▲龙大肉食总经理赵方胜与西班牙Costa Brava公司CEO进行洽谈
目前,Unifood已成为阿根廷ArreBeef公司中国第一大客户, 全球第二大客户。2019年,将联手龙大肉食继续扩大全球采购,并在冰鲜版块上进一步推进。
Up to now, Unifood has become ArreBeef company’s largest customer in China and the second largest customer in the world. In 2019, Unifood will continue to expand global purchasing together with Longda and further advancing in fresh field.

展会结束后,在Unifood的组织下,龙大肉食总经理赵方胜率领龙大代表团赴法国、西班牙进行了为期5天的欧洲企业参观访问,先后参观了法国SVA集团屠宰厂、西班牙Costa Brava公司屠宰厂和熟食生产厂,实地考察了欧洲企业在屠宰、分割、深加工等各个板块的生产情况,学习了欧洲先进的屠宰、加工设备和工艺。后续,龙大将从提高效率、提升工艺等实际需求出发,导入欧洲先进设备与技术。
Arranged by Unifood,the General Manager of Longda Meat Zhao Fangsheng led the delegation to France and Spain for a five-day visit to European companies. They visited the slaughterhouses of SVA Group in France and the slaughterhouses and food factories of Costa Brava in Spain succesively.The delegation investigated the producting situation of slaughtering, deboning and further processing. They also studied the advanced slaughtering and processing equipment and technique. In the follow-up, based on its demand of improving its efficiency and technique, Long will introduce advanced equipment and technique from Europe.


▲Unifood总经理和龙大肉食考察团参观西班牙Coata Brava公司生产车间
In the future, Unifood will continue to work with Longda Meat to integrate global superior resources, speed up international distribution, carry out global and deep-seated resource integration, and constantly enhance the ability of independent innovation to provide consumers with better meat products.