

Unifood & ArgenPork–First Arrival Argentine Pork in China

热烈祝贺阿根廷首批猪肉抵华清关仪式圆满结束! Warm congratulations to first arrival of Argentine pork in China!

Observed the whole world in QingDao

金秋十月,作为山东省友城合作发展大会的板块内容之一,青岛国际友好城市商品展开幕。国际友好省州、国际友好城市、拟结好城市及外国友好协会等参加。 In October, as part of the Shandong Province Friendship City Cooperation and Development Conference, Qingdao International Friendship City Commodities opened, including International friendly provinces, International friendship […]

Unifood was invited to visit ABP Group agian

爱尔兰牛产品作为肉类中的精品一直是米其林星级餐厅的宠儿,本季度我们有幸再次受邀参观爱尔兰ABP集团及其工厂,将更多的高品质肉类进口到中国是我们的不懈追求。 Because of the premium quality, Irish beef has always been honored by Michelin-starred restaurants. And Unifood (chiefly Home Delivery & Catering Channels) was invited to […]

Nature Forplus & RT Mart———-New Zealand chilled beef tasting and appreciation conference

12月20日由中和盛杰&大润发一同发起的新西兰冰鲜牛肉品鉴会在青岛海信广场顺利举办。 On 20th,December,the New Zealand Chilled Beef Tasting &Appreciation Conference jointly presented by Nature Forplus & RT Mart in Hisense square, Qingdao.   冰鲜牛肉品鉴会 中和盛杰副总在介绍冰鲜牛肉相关信息 冰鲜牛肉产品展示—showing 讲解冰鲜牛肉食用方法 现场烹饪冰鲜牛肉—cooking 冰鲜牛肉制作而成的——-精致菜品—-tasting